Program Activation

During the first launch RawDigger will display a Splash-screen suggesting the activation of the the trial version


Next, an activation dialog will be displayed:


After the Activate Trial button is clicked, the program will be activated in trial mode for 30 days. During this period, all RawDigger features will be availible
To use RawDigger after the trial period, the user will need to obtain a full license for the RawDigger edition of his or her choice.

To obtain the license, please click the “Buy License” button or open in your browser. As a result of the transaction, you will be provided with the license key (online and as a separate email). This license key is be entered into the License Key field of the activation dialog, which is also availible through Menu-Help-Purchase/Activate):


After the license key is entered, please click Activate license button. The license will be activated and you will be able to continue using the program.
The Help-Purchase/Activate menu item will now be renamed to Help-Registration data, and the respective dialog will show your registration data:

Manual activation

If the program fails to connect with the activation server, you will see a pop up alert, with a «Manual Activation» button on the bottom right of the notification window.


After clicking the «Manual Activation» button, a «Manual Trial Activation» window will pop up:


Depending on your Internet access, you can use one of the 3 ways to obtain the activaion code:

By using browser (if your browser has an internet connection)  –  use this if your browser can connect to the Internet.
Simply click this url: and you will see a browser window pop up with your unique activation key:


By using E-mail client with an automatically prepared message  – click the link and your mail client will create a new pre-populated email to You will only need to click send.

By using an E-mail client and manually writing the message – you can send an email to using the text in the window below (I'm unable to activate…»

If you choose to obtain the activation key via email, you will recieve a reply email with the text identical to that which you would see in the web browser (the activation key, however, will be different.)

You can then use the Activation Key (from the browser or email) and enter it into the Activation Key field (it is best to use Copy-Paste, as every character of the key is important) and press «Activate.»

After clicking the «Close window» button, the window will close and the Rawdigger activation window willl display the registration status (as well as the edition you are using.)



Licence: Transfer to a new PC

Hello there,

if we buy and licensing your SW on PC-1, how can we later transfer the key to a different PC-2 ?

Volker Braun

Dear Sir

Dear Sir

1st: you can use RawDigger on two computers at the same time. Mac/Windows in any combination.

2nd: to transfer license, deactivate it on one computer (Menu - Help - Registration Data - Deactivate), than activate license key on another computer.

RD licensing

How many re-installs of RD, running on a Windows 7 VM over a Ubuntu host, can be Achieved?
I commonly reinstall the VM many times for various reasons.
Can I simply deactivate the license on the VM and then reactivate? Note, the Machine ID may, or may not, be the same after re-installing the VM. If that is the case then I may be able to only re-nstall the VM two times before using all my licensing credits.
What do you think/suggest I do?

We do not limit the number of

We do not limit the number of re-installs for the registered users.

Best regards,
Iliah Borg

does key work for 2 versions?

I downloaded both Mac versions, plan to install legacy version on an older machine. Will the same registration key work for both versions?

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