Submitted by LibRaw on
- Camera support added:
- Canon 200D, 6D Mark II
- Fujifilm X-A10
- Gitup GIT2P
- Leica TL2
- Nikon D7500
- CGATS export:
- LinearMax=val added to DESCRIPTOR field if camera provides this data (note: black level is not subtracted)
- WBAsShot=a,b,c,d added to DESCRIPTOR field if camera provides as-shot white balance
- New checkbox 'Add DESCRIPTOR "DCP Profile"' in Samples export dialog. Will add this text string to CGATS output (for use with BasicColor Input profiler to create DNG profiles).
- New setting to Preferences - Histogram, 'Set linear histogram auto range'.
- If one sets it to 'Camera data range', histogram opens (or is recalculated for a new file) with max limits.
- If set to 'Current frame data', linear scale range will reflect current frame min/max values
- Exiftool updated to 10.60
- Bugs fixed
- image does not move on next/prev file.
- OS X: fixed freeze if key is expired and RawDigger was run by dragging image on program icon
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