lexa's blog

RawDigger 1.2.4

Changes/New features

  • Fixed a bug occurring when reading a damaged .eip files.
  • Keeping the size of the main window: both the maximized statuus and the size before maximization are saved.
  • CSV exporting: integer values like file number, sample number, sample coordinates are now written without quotes.
  • Disable RGB Rendering for files larger... limit is increased to 200Mpix.

RawDigger 1.2.2

Changes/New features
  • Grid Setup dialog:
    • shortcut (Ctrl-G/Cmd-G) to turn it on/off
    • new checkbox Preferences - Misc. Options - Put grid setup dialog on top of all Windows (this setting will take effect after RawDigger restart).
  • Bug fixed: Histogram window title not updated correctly on file change.
  • Bug fixed: too large Zoom Out button on OS X El Capitan
  • Exiftool updated to version 10.05
  • Support for the following cameras is added:
    • Canon PowerShot G5 X, G9 X, EOS M10

RawDigger 1.2.1

Changes/New features

  • Fixed information window sizes for HiDPI screens
  • .EIP files handling requires less memory
  • Support for all  floating point and 16-bit integer DNG via Adobe DNG SDK
  • Support for uncompressed 12-bit files from Nikon 1 series
  • Support for uncompressed Sony A7xx files
  • Exiftool updated to version 10.02
  • Support for the following cameras is added:
    • DXO One
    • Leica S (Typ 007)
    • Olympus E-M10 Mark II
    • Ricoh GR II
    • Sony A7S-II

RawDigger 1.2.0

Changes/New features

  • Fixed a bug causing wrong indication of exposure parameters in histogram window title.
  • New data formats supported:
    • BlackMagic 1:3 compression (BlackMagic URSA CinemaDNG)
    • Pentax K-3 II 4-shot mode:
      • new setting Data Processing - Vendor specific - Pentax K3-II - Merge data for 4-shot frames to merge 4 shots into one 4-channel (with 2 green channels)
  • Support for DNG files containing floating point data:


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