Submitted by focusnum on
Hello, i try to follow this how to :
with measurement in the opticaly blind part of the image for the GH4, but this part of the image with the panasonic GH4 this part of the image is not working ? I make a mistake.
you can find the files here :
Thank you
Dear Sir:
Submitted by Iliah Borg on
Dear Sir:
Do you have "Masked Pixels" checked in Preferences -> Display Options?
Best regards,
Iliah Borg
Yes of course :)
Submitted by focusnum on
Yes of course :)
for Panasonic cameras the
Submitted by lexa on
for Panasonic cameras the masked area (on right of frame) do not contains 'black signal', but something else (with values higher than image area).
Here RawDigger screenshot with masked pixels on and Raw Composite display, you can easily see random 'noise' at right side (use right click and 'view image' to see full size)
So, to determine signal/noise ratio you need to shot separate black frame image with same shutter/aperture and cap on lens.
Ok, many thanks for the
Submitted by focusnum on
Ok, many thanks for the answer !
Hello it's focus again :)
Submitted by focusnum on
Hello it's focus again :)
Sorry, i'm processing Raw file from Sony Alpha 6000 for noise.
Wich processign mode i have to use ? Normal processing ? Delta step relative to value ???
Thank you for your help
you can find an exemple here :
Use normal processing.All
Submitted by lexa on
Use normal processing.
All special modes are usable if you want to separate 'base' and 'delta' pixels for some reason
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