Submitted by deejjjaaaa on
Nikon Z7 raw and RawDigger just quitting on it ...
I downloaded
this is DSC_2114.NEF - ISO 1600 raw from a Studio shots @ DPreview... if the link does not work - see screenshot to locate the file to download
and tried to opened it in RawDigger... it just quits, no error messages

PS: FRV opens it, ACR opens
Submitted by deejjjaaaa on
PS: FRV opens it, ACR opens it
Please update your RawDigger
Submitted by lexa on
Please update your RawDigger to 1.4.8-784
thank you, it is working now.
Submitted by deejjjaaaa on
thank you, it is working now... feeling like a human fuzzer recently
Unfortunately, a serious bug
Submitted by lexa on
Unfortunately, a serious bug was introduced in build 783 (was released without the necessary testing to quickly fix the problem with Pixel 8 incorrect DNGs). It was fixed immediately, tested (!) and uploaded as build 784 in less then 5 hours after build 783.
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