Submitted by deejjjaaaa on
BasiCColor Input & RawDigger CGATS issues with CC24
so I repeated the test with the same raw file, scaling output in RW to 242
1) CC24 = same issue with same patches, no matter what you/what DN values you put there
2) CCSG = works
looks like BasiCColor (company) did not test their wares ? may be the issue is with some file somewhere in "C:\Users\Public\Documents\basICColor Jobs\Jobs input 5" describing the target ?
PS: upon hearing about the "NY" the course of action was to add some dummy patches to target to be ignored and hence fix the bug - screenshot attached
PS2: ~5 month later - still the same (see v5.3 screenshot attached)

I've sent them a report in
Submitted by Iliah Borg on
I've sent them a report in the morning, based on some additional testing; and we are in discussion. I think they will fix this, but not immediately, it is NY time ;)
Best regards,
Iliah Borg
>>> but not immediately
Submitted by deejjjaaaa on
>>> but not immediately
ja natürlich, кувалдой надоть ...
кувалда в notepade :
Submitted by deejjjaaaa on
кувалда в notepade :
it seems that BasICColor does
Submitted by deejjjaaaa on
it seems that BasICColor does not want to fix their errors as a matter of principle... v5.3 and we are still on the same page ~5 month later
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